
All systems are functional.

Past incidents

Wednesday, February 23rd 2022

Nothing to report

Tuesday, February 22nd 2022

Nothing to report

Monday, February 21st 2022

Nothing to report

Sunday, February 20th 2022

Nothing to report

Saturday, February 19th 2022

Nothing to report

Friday, February 18th 2022

Nothing to report

Thursday, February 17th 2022

Nothing to report

Wednesday, February 16th 2022

Data Center Partial Power Outage

----------------------------- 2/17/2022 ------------------------

Updated 2:22PM ET: All servers are fully operational and have stabilized. If you are still experiencing any issues, please call us or email us at Again, we will continue to monitor the servers throughout the day and evening to make sure there are no snags. Thank you, again, for all of our customers for being super understanding with our data center issue that involved a fire department and a utility company, along with staff members who stayed overnight to resolve this issue.

Updated 1:34PM ET: Call Queue features are back up and functional. If your agents are not receiving the calls, please have your agents login to the queue again. Thank you all for your patience. We are still continuing to monitor as the server stabilizes for the remainder of the day.

Updated 1:04PM ET: We are still having issues with customers using the Call Queue feature. Everything else seems to be recovering. Those using a Call Queue feature, please be patient as we are spooling the call queue servers.

Updated 12:58PM ET: We are starting to see some servers spooling up and calls may be routed to your Telonium phone. If your phone is still not online, please try power-cycling by unplugging and plugging it back in. We haven't fully tested the servers yet and monitoring for it to stablize.

Updated 12:22PM ET: Out network engineers attempt to push the latest attempt to router without success. They are still working on the network configuration after the power incident yesterday.

Updated 10:09AM ET: We are still working with the data center staff to restore the affected network equipment. Please check back with us on this page.

Updated 6:02AM ET: One of the critical network equipment is still not up for the rest of the servers. We are expecting to restore our service this morning.

Updated 1:26AM ET: We are about 90% up. We are still waiting for a handful of servers to spool up. More to come soon.

Updated 12:21AM ET: During the power outage, some network equipment was found damaged and the data center staff has been working diligently to replace this equipment. We are planned to be fully normal operation within an hour. Our customer portal is now functional for any configuration changes to the phone system.

----------------------------- 2/16/2022 ------------------------

Updated 11:02PM ET: Power to the data center has been fully restored. We are working to get all the critical network equipment operational, then servers.

Updated 10:15PM ET: The electricians have completed the repair and we are waiting for approval to power up the servers. Thank you all for your patience as we work through the evening to return the service back on.

Updated 6:58PM ET: Fire Department has requested a power reset of the facility, requiring additional time for resolution. We are still working with the data center staff to restore the services as soon as possible.

Updated 5:44PM ET: The root cause of the data center outage has been resolved. However, not all of our servers have been restored to full operational status. We are working to get all services back up to normal operations. Thank you for being patient through this process and will update as soon as we have any words from the data center staff.

Update 4:00PM ET: We are still working with the data center staff to resolve this issue and is taking longer than expected. If you'd like to turn on our Business Continuity feature to automatically forward your calls to another non-Telonium phone number, we will be able to turn this feature on for you. Please email your phone number and the number you wish to forward to

Original Post: We have been aware of the partial power outage in the Atlanta data center and looking to resolve this issue.

Tuesday, February 15th 2022

Nothing to report

Monday, February 14th 2022

Nothing to report